Natalie Noble

Natalie Noble is a dedicated community leader committed to improving the lives of underserved communities in the city. She has spent the majority of her career working towards this goal, focusing on providing support and resources to those who are suffering or marginalized. Currently serving as the CEO of Wellspring Alberta Cancer Supports, Natalie previously spent ten years as a senior-level director at the Calgary Homeless Foundation and later at the Calgary Drop-in and Rehab Centre.

As a passionate community builder, Natalie approaches all aspects of her work with a lens on improving systems and creating change that is rooted in building both equality and equity. She values collaboration, team building, and transformative change, and has been a leader in Calgary’s non-profit space for nearly two decades.

In addition to her professional pursuits, Natalie is a devoted caretaker to her house full of animals and teenagers, and spends much of her remaining free time picking up after them. She also finds time for yoga and outdoor adventures, and is deeply committed to the arts, serving as a humble board member for Swallow-a-Bicycle.